Tuesday, June 30, 2009

June Review

Well June was a pretty good month. Being my first month playing mostly MTTs I feel that I did pretty well. I ran ok this month, nothing to complain about. This month I did a couple new things including moving my bankroll from full tilt over to Absolute and Pokerstars. Put in the largest volume of MTTs I ever have done and even played my first 1k monday (busted 147th). So here are my results for the month. I've broke it down into MTTs (91+ entrants), SNGs (2-90 entrants) and cash ( mainly 2/4 and 3/6 CAP).

MTTs June

Major Cashes:
2nd - 10k gar ($27.50)on Absolute - $2036.25
4th - 17k gar ($26) on FTP - $1445
5th - 20k gar ($55) on FTP - $1742
5th - 10k gar ($11 cubed) - $788.19
6th - 15k gar ($55re) on Absolute - 1026

Final Tables - 7
Top 3 - 2
ROI - 22.5%
ITM - 14.4%


1st - Braclet Race ($216) on FTP - $2000.00
1st - $75 45person SNG on FTP - 1179.9


Yeah I ran like god at the end of the month

Goals for July:
- Want to play at least 400 MTTs
- At least 10k hands of cash
- Review all my sessions
- WIN A FUCKING TOURNAMENT. Enoegh of this coming up short shit. I have to work on my endgame. I seem to tilt really hard at final tables and have zero pateince, sticking it in real bad when I don't have to.

I'm going to focus on the low BI games, from $10-$30. I have a really good ROI in these and I want to build up my confidence/knowledge of MTTs. I have a lot of shit going on this month vacations/concerts and a possible trip at the end of the month to Gary, IN for the Heartland poker tour but I should still be able to get in my 400MTTs if I dont fuck around to much.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


So after finishing my Sunday earlier I realized I had nothing left to do with my night. So I decided to start a quick session of 2/4 and 3/6 NLH CAP which is one of my favorite/most +EV games. So I started off the session losing about 1200 in 700 hands. So my quick session became an all-nighter having to grind out one those stupid sessions were you feel like your wasting your time. It took me 2625 hands to break even on the day and finished the session up about 600 over 3812 hands.


Fucking Sundays

So I was all excited today to wake up and play a bunch of majors. So much for that, I'm busto in everything averaging about an hour or so in all of the tourneys I played. I run SO FUCKING BAD in tourneys with a BI over $100. Check out these graph of my tourneys this year:

Tourneys w/a BI of 100+ this year

Tourney's w/a BI of <100

I mean. I know that there is tougher competition in the higher BI tourneys and I play mostly the big Sunday tourneys with the massive fields but its so frustrating that every Sunday I play and just get owned. I mean this shit is just so brutal:

http://weaktight.com/1250205 - Sunday mil for 100k pot at 500/1000
http://weaktight.com/1250208 - Sweeeeet

Ran into a bunch of sets today and just stupid cooler spots where I can't help but bust. Well back to the grind tomorrow.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

A couple FTs

Well today's session started around 3EST playing a wide range of freezeouts/Rebuys from 5-30$s. The prize pools were pretty massive today and the play was terrible! I saw so many retarded plays today and loved every little bit of it. Got pretty deep in a bunch of my tournies but busted out close to the bubble in most of them. P-stars didn't seem to go to well today but got some nice scores on AB and FTP.

Absolute 15re 4k

- The absolute hands don't say what the villian had so I put it in after the post.

http://weaktight.com/1246502 - This was a key hand in the tourny. Villian played his hand real odd. Villian had A8o
http://weaktight.com/1246501 - Kind of tough call on the river here. He had to be bluffing. But people go crazy when I check the flop. Villian had A2o
http://weaktight.com/1246497- Flip me gold. Villian had AKo
http://weaktight.com/1246494 - BUSTO. Now looking back at this hand, the villians hand seem pretty face up. And I probaly should have folded the flop. Never the less the river was pretty bad for me cuz it made me split with a lot of the hands that I had him on. O well, live and learn. Maybe I'll win one eventually. Villian had AA

FTP 20k

http://weaktight.com/1246509 - Right after the bubble broke I ran into this little dandy for most of my stack. He raise 4.5x in EP then insto shoves his QTo to my mini raise. I mean WTF. It's ok though I doubled up the hand after then sucked out KJ to his QQ a couple hands later.
http://weaktight.com/1246511 - Pretty beast call here for my tourny life. The villian has been playing real tight, but he insto shipped preflop and it just really felt like AK to me.
http://weaktight.com/1246512 - Villian was just a maniac preflop and seemed to be beating up all of the table except me. Just called with the QQ cuz I knew he had the propecity to do something like this later in the hand.
http://weaktight.com/1246513 - Busted him a couple hands later.
http://weaktight.com/1246514 - Just owning donks left and right.
http://weaktight.com/1246515 - The begininning of my deminse. Villian played this hand really wierd.
http://weaktight.com/1246518 - Couple hands later with the same guy. Felt like I was getting ran over. Probaly should have been more patient and just let this hand go. GG me. Another FUCKING 5th. God so many fucking FTs this month and no wins.

Tommorrow looking to be a real expensive day. Planning on play a bunch of the majors so well see how that goes.

Another Monster Session

Well today I decided to grind out a shit ton of MTTs. I won 950.55 over 391.3 in BIs. Play a ton of low stakes tourneys, pretty much every 3, 5 and 10 rebuy on tilt/stars/absolute and every freeze out from $10-$30 in a couple hour span. God these people in these tournies are soooo bad and there is some pretty good money to be made.

Just take a look at this:
http://weaktight.com/1244167 - LIKE HOW THE FUCK DO YOU PAY ME OFF. Haha, it makes me so happy to scoop these sort of pots.

Today I had 4 cashes. 29th in the 5re on tilt. 33 in the 10re on tilt. And two final tables:

5th in the 10 1+1 on Stars

4th in the 1k PLO

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Some days are just so brutal

Today I had a fun little session winning $320 over $596 in BIs. Got 12th in the 20re on stars to make the my day feel a little better. But the beats were just horrendous today. I started off playing well winning the pots I was supposed then I lost this dandy

- 35 left in the 20re was top 9 in chips. Bubble was at 27 and I guess I made the perfect squeeze. But that FUCKING river hit me so hard in the face. I mean come on stars. This would have put me in the number one spot right on the bubble. It was so perfect to hold there.

After this beat I seemed to just bust out of all of my tournies

http://weaktight.com/1233526 - Bubbled the 50 6max
http://weaktight.com/1233527 - Come on now. HE CALLED ME WITH 85s here.
http://weaktight.com/1233528 - Umm ok. Well they are sharing the ace here....o a river ten TIGHT.
- O look I'm dominating him. And a great flop......BUSTO

These all happened in a 10-15 minute span to. My fist almost went through my monitor. Looking back on the day it wasn't really bad at all. I've lost so much more in a day before but it's just the fashion on the beats that leaves you hating poker for the day.

I'll be taking tomorrow off for my buddy Mike's moving away party. College is done and everyone is fucking moving away for Michigan for jobs. This really blows I've lost a lot of friends recently. Well anyway. I'll be back playing on Thursday given that I'm not to hungover.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Monster Session

Well I finally had some time to myself so I decided to put in a nice session. Won $2100 over $1800 in BIs. I ran pretty good but bubbled out of a couple tourneys including the 75k(163), 20re and 28k(26). All three of these tourneys I lost huge pots at the end.

20re bust 38th - 36 paid - Was mass tabling. Villain was a huge donk but if I noticed how close to the bubble I was might have been able to make a tight fold
75k bust 96th - 63 paid - Was really low on chips from a beat earlier but felt villain's range was wide enough to go for the double with the dead money in the pot
28k bust 174th - 162 paid - We were both pretty big stacked and I felt that this guy was folding most of his range here except AK AA KK and QQ. Felt my bet looked really strong and would fold out most hands and felt like if he called me I was most likely flipping. Pot would have put me top 5 but can't win every flip.

Had two final tables also:

3rd in the HA tourny. Went out KKAx to AAxx.

Had 12BB and went out in a BvB battle with A3s against villains AJ. Sigh.
This one kinda sucked - Villain was a huge donk but I really didn't have him on a flush at the river. Probaly should have bet the turn but I don't think this particular player would have went anywhere.
Busto - Maybe could have found a fold there but thought there was a lot of KQs, KJs and other random hands in his range. Felt like a double up would have put me in too good of a spot on this table to pass.

These absolute rebuys are crazy. A lot of people single buy so you have to play quite a bit different compared to stars/FTP rebuys. Also they have a double rebuy option which gets you really deep and adds to the prize pool.

Currently I'm playing a bunch of the steps on Absolute. Got a bunch of step 7 and 8 tickets. Hopefully I can turn those into some live events. Really want to play in the Aruba tourny.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Absolute Poker!

Well I've decided that having money on just one site will not work for an MTT player. So I've been trying to move some money over too other sites through the 2+2 forums. Transferring money with people you don't personally know is FUCKED up. No one would trade with me because I had never traded on the site before so I decided to do some small transfers to build up my reputation. And of course the first guy that I traded with scammed me for $50. Pissed me off real bad, but its only 50 bucks what can I do. After a while of weeding through scammers I found a reputable person who wanted to trade 1,000 FT$s for Absolute $. So I jumped on it and it worked well.

FTP has been giving me problems this week so I haven't been able to put in to many tourneys on it, but I played a couple on Absolute. OMG absolute players are sooooo bad. I mean, they really have no idea what is going on and I absolutely love it. I cashed in the 25k bounty getting 14th or so for $250 and got second in a $25 tourny. Lost HU to this donk losing out on the 1300 difference between 1st and 2nd (sigh, when the hell am I going to win a tourny) but second place was real nice allowing me to pad my absolute BR a little.

Got a busy weekend ahead with the GF. Going down to the toledo zoo on saturday and probably will miss most of the Sunday tourneys again...(fucking life, lol). But I should be able to put in some good sessions next week. Just finished my last actually class at EMU, so I won't have to sacrifice any of my time doing school work...haha.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Big Money Sundays (aka expensive Sundays)

Finally got to play a Sunday. Forgot how much the Sunday tourney BIs add up to. Spent $1400 and I didn't even get started till 6 with the Sunday Mul. Felt like the bubble champion today. Got right to the money bubble in the Sunday Mul before I was coolered AQ to AK button vs blinds. Also bubbled the 20re shoving a 25BB stack Blind vs blind with A5s against this passive fish who snapped me off with KJo :-/
Got one cash today in the 35k for 80ish place. To bad too cuz the prize pool was massive and would have been nice to bink off.
Saturday was pretty cool though. Got back from a golf outing, took a nap and decided to play a bunch more of those 45man sngs.

This was pretty cool at this point. Was finishing up a string of SNGs which wasn't going particlarly well and went on a run in my final 8. Ended up FT bubbling two of them but still managed to have 4 FTs going at the same time. I got a 7th, 5th, 5th in the 24s and won a 69. So I got to end the day with a smile on my face, which I find a little rare when playing exclusively MTTs compared to the cash games I used to play.
This week I'm thinking about playing a large volume of these MT-SNGs to help pad my roll a little and make a run on the FT MTT leaderboard. So I'll post a graph at the end of the week.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Well today I decided to try out my new set up (new backgrounds and FullTilt Short Cuts) and mass table some Multi Table SNGs. I played a grand total of 54 of the $26 45person SNGs with mix results. I ran pretty bad for most of the session but was still able to own a couple of them. Overall I feel I played ok and really enjoy the ease of the mass tabling with poker short cuts. One fuction I found today that was really cool is I could set it up to automatically register me for sit n goes. So I just have to press one button and it registers me for the SNG I want. Makes mass tabling alot easier. Heres my results from the day:

As you can see I started off on a heater and ended with a bunch of busts. I think I bubbled 5-6 tournaments in that final run :-/ but o well. I ended up on the day even though I didn't run to hot.

I'm not going to be playing to much this weekend. Gotta watch the Detroit Red Wings win the cup tommorrow. Then I have a golf outing to go to this weekend with the girlfreind. Hopefully I'll be able to play some of the majors on Sunday though. I've been sick/hungover the last three Sundays and have slept through everything.

Ok this is from a while back but it makes me happy.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

New Set Up

Been fooling around with my Full Tilt/Absolute Set up and this is what I've come up with for now:

Download a bunch of backgrounds and cards from Tiltbuster.com, installed poker shortcuts and am running HEM. I also seem to always forget what tourneys are in the Rebuy period when mass tabling so I have a special background for those.

Monday, June 8, 2009

First blog

Whats up, this is going to be my first blog here. I've had a blog running on pocket5's for a little while but I really like this website's set up so I'm going to move on over here. So first off I'm going to give a brief description of my current outlook on poker.

Over my poker career I've been primarily a cash player. I've been able to make a decent amount of money playing cash and really enjoyed the intricacies of the 100BB+ games. I went on a bad run in March of this year and have decided to make a switch over to MTTs/SNGs. I'm making this change because I find there to be a huge number of people that just play terrible in MS MTTs/SNGs and I want a piece of the pie. I've been playing MTTs/SNGs in a decent volume for the last month and plan to pick up my volume even more in the weeks to come.

I also play a good amount of live poker, both cash games and tournaments. I've played on the heartland poker tour, turning stone deep stacked series, and local tournaments with a significant BI/prize pool.

Over the last couple weeks I have made 2 final tables in MTTs. Taking 7th in the 20k on FT and 4th in the 17k. I've also taken down a braclet race tournament for 2k in T$s and have won a 750k sattilite challenge winning 25 seats in one week.